Monday 28 October 2019

Zomtober 2019 Week 4

A slow week but some progress has been made. In October 2018 fellow Blogger Hobgoblinry published a rather nice photo of some 54mm Russian Fantasy Figures. (see below)

 Scale wise they looked just right as ogres for Mordheim, complete with the right weapon options too and considerably cheaper than trying to afford a GW Mordheim Ogre from E-Bay. The figures arrived quickly and were duly snaffled by Grandson number one who broke the  club off the one I was after.
Being a kindly old man I `volunteered' to repair the figure and he duly forgot all about it .... my conscience is clear (ish)!

No where as good as Hobgoblinry I present this weeks effort

 Four days left and only one figure left to do a Mantic armoured troll, another tenuous zombie link but with human coloured skin he'll pass as a zombie hunting medieval survivor.


  1. Looks splendid. Those Russian figures are really handy. I have tried using the same trick on my kids, but they always seem to remember.

  2. Great stuff! Really nice work on that split-colour surcoat!

  3. He looks great! I’ll have to have a look at those...

  4. Brilliant stuff Phil! I think your brushwork is just as good, if not better than Hobgoblinry 🙂

  5. Nice work. I like him he is a good size.
