Saturday 2 January 2021

2021 Goal Setting

Goals for the hobby which has been inspired by the Dead lead Project Blog, only much shorter.

·         Finish an old figure. I’m spoilt for choice on this.

·         Finish a skirmish force for a project. At least a gang sized one.

·         Repaint an old miniature.

·         Average one figure a week, so 52 miniatures in total.

·         End the year in the positive painted versus purchased.


Personal Goals

·         Lose weight to help control my rampant high blood pressure and borderline Diabetes.

·         Finish my master’s degree. This is a last chance after deferring for several years. I only need a 40.


  1. Great set of goals Phil, hope you achieve them all, especially your masters

  2. All the best for reaching those goals Phil 😀

  3. Sound like some good goals. We are rooting for you!

  4. Ha, my goals are so sprawling to give me a greater chance of achieving one or two of them ;)
